Monday, January 4, 2016

Asap dan Sekut mengawan

Sesi Sekut bising-bising akhirnya dibalas oleh Asap.
Tapi kelakar tgk Asap tak berjaya dah beberapa kali mencuba.

Kami terpaksa buka kolar leher Sekut,
Macam nak tercekik saja Sekut ni bila kena dengan Asap.

Tapi kan, mereka dua ekor ni, langsung tak segan nak berasmara depan kami. Kami tengah asyik tengok TV pun diorg berasmara depan-depan kami.

Kita tunggu & lihat menjadi atau tidak. 

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Gaya tidur asap

Gaya tidur yang sentiasa buat kami geram nak kacau.

Friday, January 1, 2016

Wet Food

The only wet food we provided to them are Chicken & Meat. We tried to feed them with wet food tuna but they didn't like it all especially Asap.....  I don't remember the brand. It was few months ago.

Therefore, each time we went to shopping mall, we will buy chicken & some time meat from them. Boneless. Price wise YES, time wise NOT really. But it's healthier that way.

No matter how good your cat dry food is , it's not enough. Wet food is the best.

I'm a bit fussy about their foods. I never gave them other than their own food. Both of us. It's for their own benefit. Maybe i should list out some of the things they shouldn't eat such as garlic, onion, chocolate, coffee, Milk and some other things.

My recipe is simple, "ayam rebus" . That's it.